Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dreams Do Come True

When I was young, I had a lot of dreams. I wanted to be a teacher, an actress, a news anchor, and even a nun. Never in my wildest dreams have I thought that I wanted to become a lawyer. Life has a funny way of turning out differently though. Right after graduating from high school, my father decided that I should be a lawyer. And so, I was persuaded to take the path where I thought I'll never tread. But I also have to admit that I was ready to go wherever life takes me during that time. I have no idea how to rule my life, young and as carefree as I was.

My journey in law school was not an easy one. I bet all law students will agree with  me on this. To survive, I needed to double (as in double times ten) my effort in studying. Goodness, I was forced to do a lot of somersaults just to pass in a subject. I was not the best student in the class but I know I've made a few impression. To cut the long story short, I was slowly taking the challenge that law school represents. I was out on the leash every time I know an answer to any question in the exam or recitation. I was deeply affected and depressed whenever my performance is poor. I was taking it seriously. In other words, I dreaded and was thrilled by law school life. Life in law school is bitter-sweet indeed.

At last! I finished law school - the final and true test has come for me to take. The Bar Exams. The exam which will give me the key to open the Pandora's box. An event, the outcome of which, will change my life forever. And it did!

I was one of the happiest people in the world when I passed the bar exam. It has made a tiny speck seemed to sparkle. I, the tiny speck has taken my place under the sun. I am now on my first year as a lawyer, and still learning more in practice. For anyone who thought they'll never end up into anything, don't stop believing and working. We've all had negative thoughts once in a while. But if we hang-on to our dreams dearly - one day, it will hit you.. Dreams do come true after all.

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